Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The making of a windmill...

Here are some of things that Dean is doing... Now I am probably going to mess up half of this, but I'll try my best to get it right...

Here is a crane lifting and putting the "nacelle" on the base. The base is 300 ft high, and the nacelle, I am not sure how big it is, but it's huge. The base is about the size of a 2 car garage, and then goes all the way up with a lone silver ladder that Dean is now climbing... Scary huh!?!?!? The nacelle is bigger than that, and is the brains of the windmill... it holds the motors, and also is where the fans, blades or the windmill thingy attaches to.

Here is another view of the base and the nacelle...

Here are some that they have already put up and are running. This is obviously from a distance, so you can't quite tell how big they are...
This is a really pretty picture, and I assume what Dean sees on a daily basis since they are working so late each night. Again not a close up, but still amazing. Dean told me last night, that each of those blades are 125 ft, 40 yards... yeah imagine a running back running the length of these at 40 yards, and it's pretty impressive. Cherie was telling me today that to assemble just one windmill it takes 12 semi trucks to bring in all the pieces and just one blade is considered a wide load for a semi.

Today Dean got to climb all the way up one, and sit on top of the nacelle... Scary... yeah, he called me from the top of it... I yelled and he laughed and reassured me how big they were... He said the view was breathtaking. I can only imagine.

I think on Thursday, Cherie and I are going to drive up to where they work, and see if we can get a view.

Well off to feed the Micro and take a nap. Love you all!

Update: he just sent me these from the top of the nacelle, so not only is he calling and talking on the phone while on these things, he's also taking pictures... LOVELY!!!!

The third one shows the lake that is up there. That is pretty cool! All of these are amazing... But the last one would make me vomit to look down and see that! Yikes!!!!

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