Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training - Update...

One week ago today Jax wore his LAST diaper! He has not had one on since last Wednesday, and has done absolutely AMAZING in this new milestone!

He's had very few accidents, and most were hardly accidents at all, just bad timing, and not being fast enough to remove his britches!! We are still working with him on #2's, but that's probably the only true accident he's had when he's gone in his undies AND THEN told us. We knew that would be his hardest obstacle, but I think he's catching on.

The most amazing part of this whole process, besides not having dual diaper changes, is that he's already night trained!! We followed the advice of a friend and cut off liquids an hour prior to nap and bedtime, but the thing is, last Tuesday he was still waking up with sopping wet diapers, I mean like 5 pounders... And so the fact that from our first "trial" night on, he's woken up COMPLETELY dry every morning!!! I'm beyond elated over that!! Several people told us that waking up dry is when you START, and with Jax it's been the exact opposite!

For the most part I've kept him home and just in undies, but Friday night we had out first outing and went to a baseball game. He stayed dry, went potty 4x and that was with lots of distractions and a ton of playing! He also stayed dry while he was out on Sunday for a few hours, but then had his #2 accident :( I'm pretty confident that he's got the hang of it though and any accidents he does have will just be true accidents!! We did buy pull-up's, and thankfully he hasn't even "used" one yet! We put his undies under them for outings and sleeping only, and we've used the same one now for a whole week!

So, I think now we can actually clothe him and see how it goes with him telling us he has to go and working with him getting his pants off and on.

I'm such a proud Mama and hoping today is another accident free day! Tonight, we're treating Jax to an ice cream date at Dairy Queen!! :)

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