Jaxon is such a HUGE part of our lives. We can't imagine how we even lived now w/out him. Oh now he can have his moments and cause us to sit and ponder why we are even pregnant again, lol. But really, he is so much fun. He is such a big helper these days. We taught him a few things that will help once Liam gets here like; grabbing a new diaper, throwing diapers away, picking up his playroom, brushing his teeth, and helping mommy or daddy put clean dishes away, by putting his cups, plates and bowls in the drawer we have his things in. Of course we also are counting these things as ways that he can earn "monies" as he calls them. Pennies have so much more value now. He loves getting coins and putting them in his piggy bank!
So much has changed in just one year since his first birthday! He has learned and recognized all of his numbers (lower case and upper case); he can count and recognize numbers to 15. He can sing about 6-7 songs, or at least TRY to sing the words. He uses "scoops", aka forks and spoons. He's mastered unplugging, arranging and putting the RCA colored cables in from the DVD player to the TV, as well as taking out DVD's and playing new ones! He knows all of the Sesame Street characters by name, sound, and color. He has ALSO just recently figured out and mastered climbing out of his pack n play, as well as his crib! We're definitely in trouble now!
Over the last year, Dean and I have worked really hard with him and his learning. Some people call him gifted, but I just consider him a lucky only child that has two parents dedicated to his learning development. He really is excited about learning, which of course makes it fun for Dean and I to teach him w/out feeling like we are forcing education on him faster than he needs to. We're also extremely lucky that he has taken to learning so much. We've never pressured him into things, if anything it's the other way around! He loves anything to do with "A,B,C's and 1,2,3's", and yes, even I have forgone saying 'letters and numbers' and have retreated in Jaxon's language to saying "Oh, have you seen Jaxon's ABCD's?" Haha. Dean hasn't fallen victim to this yet!
Jax is starting to speak in more understandable sentences, rather than a few words her
e and there, and man oh man, if we knew that how you speak to your child, would come out in play, I think Dean and I would have considered a few things more carefully. Haha. Just the other night, Jax was in the bathtub playing with his water monsters, he was laying them all down on the side of the tub, then once all three were lined up and "sleeping", he pointed his finger at them, and said "Now you sleep, sssh. Go nigh-night babies, NOW!". There was a brief silence before I started busting up laughing, and as I stood there, I started questioning whether Dean and I yell at him too much to take a nap or go to bed, lol. This age really is so much fun for us though! Dean and I get a kick out of all the things he catches on to, or learns from his tv shows or even just watching the puppies. Yeah, try explaining to an 18 month old that, he doesn't need to drink water from a bowl on the floor.
Tomorrow we are headed to WA State to spend Thanksgiving with my family. Jax is so excited to go on an airplane! I told him he's been on a ton of airplanes in his life, but now that he understands more, and knows what they actually are, this will hopefully be a fun trip for him! Once we return at the end of the month we will be entering "the adventures" of potty land, sleeping in a big boy bed land, and who know's what else!!!
I have posted all of the pictures from Jaxon's birthday party to the right. Our good friend Brandi took most of them, and captured most of his party frame by frame for those who missed it! Jax had a wonderful birthday party with friends and family in TN! Up next is his WA party!!
We also want to share the video of a birthday card we sent in for Jax on Sprout TV. It was listed online, as well as shown on the Sunnyside Up morning show! Jax was able to watch it live; as well as watch it a few more times off the DVR. I wish I could have gotten his reaction on film as well! He was very excited and kept saying "Yook Mommy Yook!"
We Love you all!!!