A little bit about the author of this blog... That's me! My name is Shylah, and I am a stay at home Wife and Mom to all three of my boys! I am married to a wonderful, smart, funny, and handsome man, Dean. We've been married for four years and in those four years, has come two beautiful children, Jax and Liam. Jax just turned three this past November and is the absolute delight of my life. He is brilliant beyond his years, insanely funny, loving and a great big brother! Liam turns one at the end of January, and for those who don't know his story, he is a tremendous blessing to be alive, healthy and thriving. He was born two months premature, and was a stillborn that after 10 long minutes finally was revived. He spent a long 30 days away from us getting healthy, and since then has been just fine! He is such a fun baby! Loves to hear his own voice and is the most fearless little guy I've ever encountered!
We live in a little country town, Greeneville, TN - and share our home and hearts with our two furbabies, Nash and Argo. We've been in East Tennessee for the past 2 1/2 years, but will soon be traveling with Dean who currently works for a Wind Turbine Manufacture.
My life is my family, and through this blog, is a glimpse into the days and the events that create our lives.