Friday, March 18, 2011

Liams NICU Footprinting...

Today we were able to be a part of a tradition that the Children's Hospital does in Johnson City for the NICU residents.

All the babies who were ever in the NICU all have their hand or foot prints put on the NICU hallway walls with their DOB and weight. During Liam's stay in the NICU, we finally figured out what all the dates, weights, etc were about. It's actually pretty cool to see some of the prints, especially a few that reflect parents AND then their children that were all a part of the hospital. Sadly there are hearts for the children that didn't survive, and usually those who were born 10-20 years ago when medicine and new advances weren't available.

It was really nice to see a few of Liam's nurses while we were back to visit. And although getting Liam's footprint stamped on the wall is a milestone in itself that he was finally able to come home, it was bittersweet to be back in the hallway walking towards the NICU door. The foot/hand printing ceremony is something that you are able to do only after you have been discharged, so it is something we were definitely proud to be a part of.

We hope that we will never have to return, and that soon the babies of the friends we made will also have their footprints on the wall...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Liam Photos...

We had our wonderful friend Brandi take some pictures of Liam this afternoon... This is a sneak peak...

Hoping to get some pictures with the family, but especially Jax and Liam this weekend as well! Hope you enjoy!!


Friday, March 4, 2011


After one month and 2289 round trip miles, Liam is finally HOME!

Today Liam had his first check up w/the Dr. and the reason he is here today! Dr. Rick was extremely excited about how well Liam is doing! Although his due date isn't for another 2-3 weeks, he said that he is viewing Liam as a term/healthy baby as of today! Liam appears to have no damage or abnormalities from his delivery and after being on the ventilator/oxygen for the first week in the NICU. Dr. Rick said that he was surprised with that, and overall just absolutely amazed at how Liam is doing! :D It was bittersweet seeing him, and somehow, I was actually able to keep my emotions in check! We owe Dr. Rick our child's life. It was such an honor to bring Liam in to see him! It will also be very cool to have Dr. Rick watch Liam grow up over the years!

After seeing his him, we took Liam over to the OB Dr. that delivered us. She was so sweet, and showed Liam off to everyone in her office. Apparently delivering under the circumstances we delivered at, Liam has been dubbed both at the OB clinic and at the hospital as the "miracle baby" and the "Sunday abruption". Dr. Hawthorne not only delivered Liam, but she also saved me from bleeding out. It was such a powerful moment walking in with Liam to have her meet him!

We also made a quick stop to the hospital to meet the surgical team and visit the maternity ward. Although no one really got to see Liam there, they all knew exactly who we were, and were thrilled we made the time to show him off there. I didn't exactly wish to become a celebrity in this town for the reasons we are, but it is pretty amazing to finally meet the dr's and staff again, who prayed so hard for us and who were merely just doing their jobs...

Liams journey is an incredible one, and one that for the last 34 days I have thought of over and over again. I hope to be able to recap everything that's he's been through one day, just so he knows how special he truly is. As for now, we're all just trying to focus on the future and raising our two boys!

Liam now weighs 5lbs 8oz, is 18 3/4" long and is doing everything that a newborn baby should be doing. Thanks be to God!!! He's being transitioned to a full time bf'er and doing great with it! He's also been maintaining his temperature really well, lifting his head up and turning it side to side during tummy time, and although he's technically a month old, he's doing more than he technically should already for being a preemie - so that is super reassuring for us!

We are slowly getting into a schedule at home! Jax has been so sweet with Liam and I think he really likes his baby brother being home. There is a definite difference between the two boys! I do not remember Jax having to have his clothes changed so frequently, ever needing a burp towel, let alone crying. I remember Jax having a cat like meow for a cry, and here we have Liam who definitely knows how to use his lungs!! Jax slept through the night from day 1, and we had to wake him for all of his feedings. Liam on the other hand is a pretty good alarm! Haha.

I am going to have my hands full sooner than later with the two! I am extremely thankful to be a stay at home mom! (We'll see if I'm still saying that in a year lol). I am just so happy I have ALL my guys together!

We thank the many, many people that have prayed over Liam and our family. I know we will never be able to personally thank all of you, but know your prayers were heard. I can't wait to see who Liam turns into, but I'm hoping God has big plans for him one day! There is so much to be thankful for in my household, that's for sure! We will continue to keep everyone updated as to how we are doing. Again, thanks to all the people who have prayed, helped us out with gas,food, child care, etc... It really means the world!


Shylah, Dean, Jaxon and baby Liam