Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jaxon and Liam...

After almost 2 weeks, we finally got Jax in to meet baby Liam. We had been waiting more or less for Liam to lose his "jewelry", but also had been waiting for Jax to lose the runny nose and cough he had.

When we took Jax in (2/12), I unfortunately had a perfect scenario built up in my head, that Jax would want to hold Liam and would be sweet and gentle and know exactly who he was... Buuuuut that's not exactly what happened.

When we finally got Liam and Jax situated, Jax burst into tears along with a full bottom lip pout, and he told us to "put him back" while pointing to the crib we took Liam out of... This was also the same night they told us Liam was going BACK on oxygen and that he had lost too much weight to stay in an open crib, so they would be transitioning him to an isolate...

So of course with hearing that, and seeing my sweet 2 year old refuse anything to do with my other sweet angel baby, I too burst into tears...

Jax kept looking around at all the other babies and seemed 100 times more interested in them, so through my tears I told Jax that he was out of luck, that the little boy baby swaddled in my arms was what he got. Lol....

By the end of our 15 minutes with the two, Jax finally muttered through clinched teeth "I love you Yeeyum" and kissed his forehead goodbye before running happily out!

So that was the first encounter....

The very next night (2/13) we took Jax back to see Liam again, and this time, Jax seemed to be more interested. Liam had been moved back into a different room that was much more quiet and less full, so his attention stayed on Liam pretty much the whole time. He even told Liam he loved him and kissed him goodbye without too much coaxing from us.

Yesterday (2/16), we all went up to see Liam and thankfully Jax had been talking about him a little more, and when we finally got Jax settled down with Dean in a big comfy chair, Jax was sweet and precious. He literally couldn't keep his hands off him. Every time Liam would make a single noise, Jax got this worried tone in his voice, and would gently say "it's okay, don't cry".

(Jax hugging Liam)

(Happy touching him...)

(My sweet boys!)

Then after flirting with the nurses, Jax announced to everyone, "Yeeyum, my baby butter". He snuggled with him, and gave him several hugs and kisses, and I think finally understood, that Liam is OUR baby, and he'd be home soon to play with Jax and his toys!

Each time we take Jax in, he seems to get a little better, and although he doesn't quite understand how fragile Liam is, he seems to be coming around with the thought of Liam coming home to live with us.

We are hoping to get Jax up there to see him more often, but it's kind of hard with an hour drive both ways and him only being allowed in the NICU for 15 mins total. We'll make it work eventually, but for now we talk a lot about Jax's baby brother and how much fun they will have when Liam can play with Jax and be big and strong like him. I am sure when Liam does come home, we'll have our up's and down's until Jax fully understands who Liam is, but for now as with everything else, it's a day at a time, and a learning experience for us all...

Sorry for the delay in posting, but it's been a little hectic :D

I've also updated the album to the right with additional pictures from the past few visits...

Please continue to send your thoughts and prayers to Liam. He still has a ways to go, but is doing so much better each day.

Thank you all so much!


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