Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Liam's Progress...

Today Liam had his High Risk follow-up appointment from the NICU. There he was seen by 4 out of 6 doctors assessed in the following fields: Nutrition, Motor Skills, Hearing/Vision and an Over-all Assessment from his NICU Dr.

The first specialist he saw was for hearing and vision which he passed with flying colors. He cooperated and stayed quiet as he needed to be to complete the tests.
They were very pleased with where he was on the charts.

The second specialist was with the nutritionalist, who walked in and immediately was happy to see how big Liam is, and how healthy he looks. She gave me big kudos for continuing to exclusively bf, however she recommends delaying solids until he is 6 months ADJUSTED, which is 8 months actual!!! That is going to be hard. I am hoping to keep him off solids till at least 6 months actual. He's just like Jax when it comes to food, and already drools and stares at "big people" food. Lol

The third specialist he saw was the Physical Therapist who worked with him in the NICU. She couldn't believe how big he had gotten, and how well he ranked in his tests. He is in the 75% for his motor skills based on his adjusted age of 2 1/2 months. The tests were the milestones for a 3-4 month full-term baby... so overall he did great there.

When the final doctor came in, Dr. Bharti - he honestly didn't have much to say other than, continue with what we are doing, and that he is doing amazing considering his start to life.

They would like to see him again in 6 months to make sure that he is still progressing as he should.
I'm not surprised; I knew he would do well... I am just so happy they were thrilled with how well he has done since coming home!

After his appointment, we ran across the street and up to the NICU to visit some of his old nurses. Thankfully, the NICU was extremely slow with only TWO babies in the whole unit, but sadly that meant most of his nurses weren't there to see him. The ones that were there were glad we dropped by, and told us to come back any time. They too, couldn't believe how big he has gotten, and just keep saying how adorable he was, and that he was going to be a heartbreaker!!!

Today Liam weighed 11lbs. 4.5oz - which means that he is STILL gaining an ounce and a half every day, which is on the high side for a bf baby!!! Yay Liam!!!

That's all... Hope everyone is doing good!


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