I stumbled across this blog through Facebook... I had no intentions on even reading one entry because I knew it dealt with a mother losing a child. Curiosity got the best of me, and I ended up reading each and every post starting with this one... the first.
For most of you, you will read the first entry, and stop there. Yes. It mentions God. Yes. It is a mother grieving the loss of a child. Yes. There is deep reference to religion. Yes. There is raw emotion. Hurt, desperation, anger... All the above are the same reasons I didn't intend of reading this myself.
You don't have to be a Christian to respect good writing. You don't have to be a Christian to get anything out of these entries, but if you are like me and teeter on the rail of doubt, truth and trying to understand faith... then you will greatly benefit from the work of this mother, the voice of her precious baby girl...
Here is the blog address: http://stumblingtowardsperfect.blogspot.com/
I am in awe of this mothers strength to preserver through her daughter. For her strength to be able to cope through writing. To shelter her daughter's innocence and to spread the message of an 11 year old. I am humbled to have read many of the same characteristics that I see in myself, to be so confused in faith, church, religion, ladida... I think this mother is a true inspiration, and that so far her work is simply, amazing.