Friday, April 27, 2012


Today marks the 1 year Anniversary of the Greene County tornado outbreak. This is a day marked in history not only for my area, but several surrounding states and counties that were effected in monumental devastation.

I remember that night so well; Dean and I taking shifts sleeping, watching the news and alerts, Liam and Jax sleeping downstairs in our tornado shelter area, and counting down the minutes until the warnings expired.
Then I remember waking up and watching the coverage of the areas hit. I initially thought Greeneville was spared, only because I didn't see any devastation outside my door, but quickly learned the hardest hit area was just miles from our home, and the footage I was watching very easily could have been us!

While I didn't get involved in the charity, donations and clean-up as I would have liked to, I'm very proud of the town of Greeneville, and the efforts that went into fixing our community. The news worldwide, focused on the harder hit states, and barley mentioned our area at all. To lose seven lives in an area so small, was a huge loss to have, and to know just a handful of the workers who helped in the aide relief, spending countless hours helping rebuild the homes and lives of those effected, is an honor!

Here is an article published in today's paper. Please be thinking of those who were a part of this disaster!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Liam's NICU Progress Check-up...

Today Liam had his third NICU check up. I was really apprehensive on how he would be scored today, seeing as how last time we were there, he was way above and beyond his actual age scores. Of course we think he is developing great, but these doctors are suppose to be hypercritical to see just how good they are doing!

First off, we saw the hearing specialist, and unfortunately we will have to go back and have his hearing checked again because they couldn't get an accurate reading. This could be caused by the congestion he's had for a while, and if there was any fluid on his ear drums caused by it. So nothing on that today. He's been above average in the past tests, so I'm not worried.
Then we were visited by the nutritionists who was beyond impressed that he is still bf'ing at least 4x a day! She was absolutely thrilled by my commitment, and gave me the ok to slowly start the weaning process! (you have no idea how much this excites me!). He's growing great, and his diet is right on for what his body needs! So flying colors there!
Then the developmentalist came in, and over an hour watched him interact and play, read to him, sang and played games all while evaluating him in his social, cognitive, behavioral and motor skills development. Overall he did really good, and still came out average or above for his actual age. The scores range from 85-115. Although he didn't get as many perfect scores this visit, he is still doing super and the areas where he received lower scores were mostly on his motor skills, like walking, bending down, sitting, etc. He sits in a pose called the "W" position, and although it seems it's not affecting his hips now, it could later, so we need to work on correcting him when he sits like this. As far as walking, he does know how to, up to 15 steps, he just doesn't want to. So he was given lower scores on these areas but based on 14 3/4 months actual vs. 12 3/4 months adjusted. These are also things we can work a little harder with him on at home. His social development was 113, and they think a lot of this stems from Jaxon! :) He shares, and is eager to mimic and so kudos' to big brother!!
Next we saw the physical therapist who continues to be impressed with the fact Liam doesn't have typical stress factors that someone born in his situation should have. She also recommended us correcting his sitting position, and taking a push walker and weighting it down so that he is using his hips correctly when walking. I was advised to put the "walker" away as its aiding to his tippy toe walking, but assured her that he's not in it to learn to walk, but more or less for "cars" in the house w/Jax, and for very short periods only. Lol, she still said to put it away for a while! But that is also because I WANT Liam walking, so the more heavy pushing he does the faster he'll do it!
Finally, Dr. Bharti saw us. He was one of Liam's pedi's in the NICU. He raved at how big Liam was (lol yeah right!) and how far he has come. He did want to see Liam again in 6 months, so not completely done with these clinic's, but only to see where he scores after he is up and walking.

All in all, it was better than I anticipated so I'm happy. It took almost 4 hours, so the boys were both beyond controllable, tired, hungry and bored, but I still treated them to dip in dots for behaving as well as they did! :)
The best part was Jax started to push my buttons while the developmentalist was in, and I didn't care, I gave Jax three options including finding a bathroom and after I gave him my mom look" she said "good job mom! Giving choices is perfect!!" :)

Liam weighs 18lbs 7oz and is 29 3/4" long!

While on the subject of NICU babies. I am reminded very graciously how blessed we are to have our Lucky Liam, and how good he really is doing. He may be stubborn and want to do things his way, but I'll take it!! There are so many other babies out there who are not nearly as developed as Liam is, even at an older age. I never know how to act when I meet other babies who are clearly in a worse off position than Liam is. Of course my heart aches for the parents who must be faced daily with the normality's of other children, but I hope they are equally blessed with their precious ones, and don't have moments of regret or feeling sorry for their children. It's definitely hard to witness a baby who is 4-5 months older than Liam, smaller, and failing the simplest tasks. So please always remember there are families out there who may have it "worse" than you, and to always appreciate your own children for who they are and what they accomplish!
Very proud of my littlest!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Go Liam Go!!!

While Dean was home on his surprise visit, Liam learned how to stand up alone, and with that came his first steps with walking!!!
Over the past few days, he has gotten a lot more comfortable with letting go and walking, and tonight he even walked 7-8 steps to Jaxon!!! Although, I don't think he'll be up walking right away, he knows he's way faster on his knees, but it's a start, and maybe my initial 15 month guess wasn't too far off! He has even learned that he can clap for himself while standing before taking those scary steps!!!
I am beyond excited and so proud of my little guy!
Even though he just turned 14 months, Liam had his 15 month wellness check-up today. He is doing great, and pretty much where he should be according to Dr. Rick. He doesn't weight as much as I thought he did, but that's easy to understand as I weighed him at home weighing myself, then him and subtracting. We all know math is not my strong suite... anyways, he is 18lbs 7oz (5%), 29 1/4" (3%) long with an 18 3/4" (84%) head circumference. Lol. So, especially with that big ole' head, I'm really excited he's figured out how to balance himself!!! He got 4 shots, and did pretty good with those, took a 3 hour nap when we got home. He has his last (I hope) High Risk appointment with the NICU doctors on the 18th so maybe he'll be walking better by then and can show off a little!
Anyways, just thought I would share my excitement with Liam!!!
I'm definitely A very proud Mama!!!