Saturday, November 17, 2012


First of all... FOUR? I have a 4 year old... what?!?!?
Oh Man!!!
More importantly, Happy Birthday Jaxon! And Dean, we kept our first human pet alive for four years! Yay us!!!
In honor of Jaxon's birthday, I started doing this last year with him, and I wrote a little poem for him on his special day! No words can say just how proud I am of Jax and how lucky I am to be his Mommy!
Happy Birthday Big Boy!!
You are FOUR Today...

1,460 days ago, I laid eyes on you for the first time.
It took you a few moments, and that's when I first heard you cry...
I couldn't get past how perfect you were, something all new parents say, but perfect is what you were and I say that still today...
Those precious first moments just you and I, and those moments that I still cherish to this day...

Your first year was breathtaking. Discovering who you were, a journey which will never end...
Your smile, what made you laugh, the foods you loved and hated, your favorite toys, and all your "firsts"
I tracked every milestone, counting down the days till you turned one... Looking back now, I wish I could have waited...

As you grew and grew and grew, it dawned on us that soon you would be two!!
Your personality really came out this year, as we compared you to who you took after more.
You were no longer our baby, as "Big Boy" was used much more.
Your big boy bed, potty training, a tricycle, your first puppy and that you'd be a "Big Brother"...
Who knew that in just one year, how BIG you'd be at TWO!

When you turned three, I said the same thing I hear myself continuing to say...
How fast the time has flown and where did my baby go?
Year three is the last I have to compare to, but just like the year before, it was the most fun by far!
Your personality, your communication. How you're so playful, loving, and funny. Your jokes, snuggles, and that you love playing games so much. You are learning SO fast and discovering who YOU are... As we go into your next year, I hope you know how much I enjoyed you being three!

Now that you are FOUR, I will wait patiently to see where this year takes you.
I will enjoy seeing you learn, build friendships and be in awe of you just as I have in each passing year before, of how funny, smart, and talented you are.
I will take in your every cuddle, snuggle, kiss and hug.
I will encourage you to try new things, to push yourself farther just to know you can do it. To hold you when you are scared (and secretly love when you still come to me for protection)
I will let you and your brother squabble knowing that at the end of the day you will give each other such loving hugs and goodnight kisses...
I will pray for you and I will love you even more...

Jaxon, you have taught me so much in your four years of life, something that I will never be able to put into words. You amaze me each and every day.
You have truly been the greatest gift of all.
Happy Birthday Bug!

Xoxo -Mommy